In the press / Language holidays

Language courses featured in The Independent

Spanish and photography 1 week..

Our language courses have been featured in The Independent this week:

Learn a new language: Holidays with English off the menu
Immersing yourself in a foreign language is often the best way to learn or brush up on your skills. And you don’t have to spend all your time in the classroom either, says Lucy Gillmore

What’s the attraction?
Parlez-vous français? ¿Habla español? Sprechen Sie Deutsch? If your heart sinks every time you have to ask for the menu in English – with pictures – it’s time to do something about it… and it’s never too late.
If you’re worried about spending all your time in a classroom, don’t be. There are plenty of companies offering language courses alongside more traditional holiday activities. (0845 6250445;, for example, offers everything from Spanish and salsa classes in Ibiza to French and cookery lessons in Nice, which start at £956 for eight days with 10 language lessons, five cooking lessons, accommodation and full board, but not travel. The company also offers a seven-day Arabic and ceramics holiday in Tetouan, Morocco. The holiday costs from £133, including four 55-minute Arabic lessons per day and two pottery lessons, plus transfers from Tangiers; flights and accommodation extra.

Insider information
“I did my first language course 10 years ago – Spanish lessons with Flamenco. By the end of the week, I’d learnt more than I had in three months of evening classes back home. Courses combined with another activity such as surfing, dancing, cooking, horseriding, yoga or photography are by far the fastest-growing trend in language learning and there’s also a shift towards learning in your teacher’s home.” Vanessa Lenssen, CEO and founder of

Read the full article in The Independent here

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