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Fish cooking courses

[ 1 ] March 7, 2011 | Vanessa

Cookery fish
Our Chef in Spain has given us their view of how to start with cooking fish.

“We just cannot seem to get enough seafood in Spain. Andalucia has 5 coastal provinces alone, so it is not surprising to find that the locals consume incredibly large amount of fish and shellfish. 

Spain’s gastronomy has evolved as a result of its varied historical and religious influences from Arabia to America; the method of cooking starts from simply frying the freshest fish in good extra virgin olive oil, the method goes back to the Roman era but also a typical Arab practice, to a very elaborated almost exotic deep-flavoured fish stew.

Especially when the infrastructure of fish is as good as in Andalucia, we should take advantage of the abundant availability of the freshest ingredients. The Andalucian cuisine is all about the freshest, quality seasonal ingredients that reflect the sun, sea and the countryside. You will get the sense of simplicity at its best, and yet complexity of the flavour and aroma is achieved from this simplicity.

But where do we start ? The answer is quite simple - let’s go back to the basics. Learning the fundamental skills will make you feel confident in the kitchen and will easily set you off. And this is what is offered by our new Fish Course.

From the complete beginners to keen amateurs who just adore seafood will get the hands on experience with a professional chef to learn the basic, solid skills that will lead to many successful preparation of seafood dishes to die for. The chef teaches you how to tell the fresh fish and shellfish, will demonstrate step by step how to gut it, how to fillet it, how to bone it etc and you the participants will have to have a go at it yourselves. 

The chef will advice you these,too – don’t throw away prawn shells if you peel them before cooking and keep the salmon, hake or monkfish head if you buy the whole fish. You will learn what to do with those that you normally throw away. The Fish Cookery Course will let you to take away some useful tips like this and more.

There are many great classic and modern seafood recipes available around the globe, and particularly in Spain we have a variety of excellent often simple ways to cook them. But many of us get very nervous about cooking seafood recipes. Cooking fish can be disastrous and we have all been there one way or the other. Why ? Because if you do not cook it at the right temperature, it could make it tough like rubber, or make it so dry that it has lost its flavour or texture left to appreciate its true virtue.   

Participating in our Fish Course enables you the participants to learn when the fish is cooked by carefully looking at the surface of the fish and feeling the flesh with your fingers. Your host chef will teach you what to look for and how to know the perfectly cooked fish should be. You just need a little help from an highly experienced Chef of many years to put you in the right directions. Once these important skills are learnt, you will gain satisfaction and confidence to try preparing all kinds of fish and shellfish without any hesitation and be experimental with ingredients and recipes.”

Fun fish cookery course for 3 nights is just £340 including accommodation, cookery lessons and as much delicious fish and seafood that you can eat!

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