Post Tagged with: "horseriding holidays"

A holiday for the discerning few

A holiday for the discerning few

“We didn’t want a ‘pony trek’ holiday with young families, so when I found the wine appreciation ‘combo’ I knew that would restrict the applicants to the discerning few!” Peter’s daughter, Julia, goes to a university in Canada and spends much of her vacation time with her mother. So this [...]

by September 4, 2013 Guest reviews, Over 50s, Sports holidays, Under 30s
Solos holiday in the school holidays

Solos holiday in the school holidays

Meet Kate, a teacher from London. She teaches, and she learns. Kate recently learned to ride a horse. She tried yoga for the very first time. Kate also travelled solo on a yoga and horse riding holiday in beautiful Casperia, around an hour north of Rome. Here’s what Kate [...]