Follow Dhruv and become the next Master Chef

Cooking holidays and wine

Follow Dhruv and become the next Master Chef

Dhruv Baker, the former London sales director of Hi-Tech Media, last night emerged victorious in the final of BBC One’s MasterChef 2010. Congratulations to one very talented cook. If like me, you caught the end of the programme asking for contestants for the next series and thought… hmmm… I love food and cooking, would I have what it takes?  Well, if you are seriously considering it then sieze the moment and fill in that application form now!

When you get that call back from the BBC, make sure you are ready to show off your skills in the kitchen by booking a cookery course to brush up on your skills and knowledge. Learn different skills from a professional Chef and get a feel for cooking in a restaurant kitchen before you hit the TV screens.

Perfect your pasta and try out truffle hunting on a cookery course in Italy

Practice your paella and tempt us with tapas on a cookery holiday in Spain

Finess your foie gras and tantalise our taste buds with tart tatin on a cookery course in France

Make us a mezze on a cookery holiday in Greece

Portuguese, Turkish and Thai cooking courses also available at

Be inspired – go learn to cook to Master Chef levels on your next holiday….



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